List storage files

Getting the list of files from storage can be done using the listStorageFiles SDK method.


The most basic initialization:

// Initialize the SDK
import {init} from "@digime/digime-sdk-nodejs";
const sdk = init({ applicationId: <you-application-id> });

// contractDetails - The same one passed into getAuthorizeUrl().
// storageId - Storage id returned by method createProvisionalStorage or getUserStorage during storage creation process.
// path - (Optional) Option to get only files from passed folder path (e.g. /folder-name)
// recursive - (Optional) If set to true method will return filse from all child folders

const contractDetails = {
contractId: <your-contract-id>,
privateKey: <private-key-for-contract-id>,

const storage = await sdk.listStorageFiles({
storageId: "some-storage-id",
path: "/folder-name",
recursive: true,

For more details on what options can be passed please check type ListStorageFilesOptions

This method will return list of files and total number of files. Please check return type ListStorageFilesResponse for more details on what is returned.

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