By default, the SDK retries to make calls twice before giving up. This is something that can be configured when the SDK is initialised.
These are errors that have been thrown by the API. These errors will be thrown as ServerError
and it will contain an error object specifying the error.
import { ServerError } from "@digime/digime-sdk-nodejs";
// ... init the sdk
try {
const response = await sdk.getAuthorizeUrl(parameters);
} catch (e) {
// Check if it's a server error
if (e instanceof ServerError) {
// e.error is an object containing a code and a message
const {code, message} = e.error
return res.status(500).json({ code, message });
// For example when the redirect URL is invalid:
// code: InvalidRedirectUri
// message: "The redirect_uri (${redirectUri}) is invalid"
res.status(500).json({ error });
Some common errors returned from
Code | Message | Description |
InvalidRedirectUri |
The redirect_uri (${redirectUri}) is invalid |
The redirect URL that was supplied in the contract details was not valid. |
InvalidToken |
The token (${tokenType}) is invalid |
The user access token or refresh token was invalid. |
InvalidClient |
The client_id (${clientId}) is invalid |
The contract and/or application ID is invalid for this environment. |
InsufficientScope |
The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token |
The contract used is only for one off read. |
SDKVersion |
This SDK is not recognised. | |
SDKVersionInvalid |
This SDK version is no longer supported. | |
ServiceAuthorizationError |
Service authorization required | This account needs to be reauthroized |
are thrown when the parameters passed in fail runtime type checks.
When decrypting files from, if an incorrect private key is provided, FileDecryptionError
will be thrown.
- Thrown for other generic errors in the SDK.
If, after reading this section, your issue persists, please contact developer support. You can find FAQs and create a support ticket by visiting support. Alternatively you can email dev support by sending an email to
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