interface GetReauthorizeUrlOptions {
    callback: string;
    contractDetails: ContractDetails;
    locale?: string;
    sessionOptions?: { pull?: PullSessionOptions };
    state?: string;
    triggerQuery?: boolean;
    userAccessToken: UserAccessToken;


callback: string

A URL to call to be called after reauthorization is done.

contractDetails: ContractDetails

Any contract related details here.

locale?: string

Send preferred locale for authorization client to be used. If passed locale is not supported then language will fallback to browser language. If browser locale is not supported we will fallback to default locale (en).

sessionOptions?: { pull?: PullSessionOptions }

Any optional parameters for the share.

state?: string

Any extra data you want to be passed back after a reauthorization flow.

triggerQuery?: boolean

Flag to indicate if data query will be triggered post service reauthorisation. Default is true. If this is set to false data for added service will not be returned. You may want to set to false when adding multiple services subsequently and only get data for all services when adding last service.

userAccessToken: UserAccessToken

User access token you may already have for this user from this or from another contract.