File Metadata

The type of FileMetadata that is returned depends on the type of data it is.

When reading data that was sync'd from an external service, data returned will be of type MappedFileMetadata.

interface MappedFileMetadata {
objectCount: number;
objectType: string;
serviceGroup: string;
serviceName: string;
schema: FileDataSchema;

type Schemas = "digime" | "fhir";

interface FileDataSchema {
id?: string;
standard: Schemas; // Current supported schemas
version: string; // SemVer, ie "1.0.0"
Property Description Data type
objectCount How many data objects are returned in this file. number
objectType What data these objects represent. E.g. Media For a full list, please check out our Reference Objects guide on our developer docs. string
serviceGroup What service group the data belongs to. E.g. Social. For a full list, please check out our Reference Objects guide on our developer docs. string
serviceName What service the data came from. E.g. Facebook. For a full list, please check out our Reference Objects guide on our developer docs. string

If it is a file that you wrote to the user, it will be of type RawFileMetadata.

interface RawFileMetadata {
mimetype: string;
accounts: {
accountid: string,
reference?: string[];
tags?: string[];
Property Description Data type
mimetype The mimetype of this data blob. string
accounts An array of account IDs that was pushed up with this file. UserAccount[]
tags Any tags linked to this file when it was pushed up. string[]
reference Any references linked to this file when it was pushed up. string[]