Reading Data - Step by step guide

Requesting user data with is simple!

In this guide, we will learn how to receive data from your users.

To access the SDK, you will need an application ID, a contract ID for reading data, and its private key.

For more details, please refer to Getting Started.

To begin reading user data, you must first ask the user to onboard a source.

To view a list of sources available for users to onboard, click here for more details.

To start reading user data, you need to ask the user to onboard a source and authorize access.

If you already have a user access token for this user from another contract, you will still need to go through this process. Ensure that you include any user access tokens you already have so we can link to the same library.

Start this process by getting the authorization URL by calling getAuthorizeUrl:

// ... initialize the SDK

const contractDetails = {
contractId: <your-contract-id>,
privateKey: <private-key-for-contract-id>,

const { url, codeVerifier, session } = await sdk.getAuthorizeUrl({
callback: <an-url-to-call-when-authorization-is-done>,
state: <any-details-to-help-you-identify-user-on-return>,
serviceId: toNumber(serviceId),
userAccessToken: <if-you-already-have-one>
sessionOptions: <{
pull?: PullSessionOptions
sourceType: "pull",
sampleData: SampleDataOptions

// Store the codeVerifier against the current user, and redirect them to the url returned.
// This will kick start the authorization process.
// The session will be used later when triggering a data read.

To test flow using sample data please check more details here

From the step above, you will have received a URL to which you can redirect your users to to start the authorization process. Don't forget to also store the code verifier against this user as you'll need it later!

An authorization URL should look something like:<code>&service=<service-id>

After the user has onboarded and finished with the authorization, the callback will be called. An example URL might be:<authorization-code>&state=<state-passed-in-from-before>

Extra query parameter code will be attached which can be used to exchange for an user access token.

The code returned in the query parameters in the step above can be used with the codeVerifier to exchange for a user access token. This allows you to request updated data from this user in the future for as long as the user access token is valid. Read more about the user access token here.

// ... initialize the SDK

// authorizationCode - The code returned in the query parameter of the returned URL.
// codeVerifier - The one stored from step above.
// contractDetails - The same one used in getAuthorizeUrl().

const userAccessToken = await sdk.exchangeCodeForToken({

// Store the userAccessToken against the current user. We can use this for future reads.

You now have a user access token for this user which you can use to read data from this user in the future.

If you need to ask the user to onboard more services, you can use call:

// ... initialize the SDK

// callback - The URL to call after user is onboarded.
// contractDetails - The same one used in getAuthorizeUrl().
// serviceId - The service to onboard. If serviceId is not passed user will have option to choose service that will be added.
// userAccessToken - The user access token from the authorization step.

const { url } = await sdk.getOnboardServiceUrl({

// Redirect the user to the url returned and this will kick start the onboarding process.

After the user has onboarded and finished with the authorization, the callback provided will be called. You are welcome to populate the callback with any query parameters to help you identify the user. An example of a returned URL might be:<user-id>&success=true

When your user has onboarded all the sources you require, we can start reading the data using the session from earlier.

// ... initialize the SDK

// session - The session we received from getAuthorizeUrl().
// privateKey - The private key for this contract.
// contractId - Your contract id
// userAccessToken - The user access token from the authorization step.
// onFileData - A function that will be called when a file is successfully downloaded.
// onFileError - A function that will be called when an error occurs when downloading a file.
// onStatusChange - A function that will be called when file list status is changed.
// onAccessTokenChange - A function that will be called when AccessToken is changed.

const { stopPolling, filePromise } = sdk.readAllFiles({
sessionKey: session.key,
privateKey: <private-key-of-contract>,
contractId: <your-contract-id>,
onFileData: onFileDownloaded,
onFileError: onFileError,
onStatusChange: onStatusChange,
onAccessTokenChange: onAccessTokenChange,

// filePromise is a promise that will resolve when data fetching is complete.
// stopPolling is a function that you can call if you would like to stop the process when it's still running.

And that's it you've successfully received data from the user using our SDK!

When the user access token is updated, the onAccessTokenChange event will be triggered. Be sure to use onAccessTokenChange to implement logic for updating the access token.

Next time you need to read data from the same user, you can reuse the User Access Token and go directly to step 5 of the process!

Data can also be read file by file. For more details, please refer to the Reading Data section.