Revoke Account

Important note: This option is supported only for MedMij.

With long-term permissions introduced in MedMij, users must be given the option to revoke permissions.

To get the revoke URL, please do the following:

// Initialize the SDK
import { init } from "@digime/digime-sdk-nodejs";

const sdk = init({ applicationId: <you-application-id> });

const contractDetails = {
contractId: <your-contract-id>,
privateKey: <private-key-for-contract-id>,

// contractDetails - The same one used in getAuthorizeUrl().
// userAccessToken - The user access token from the authorization step.
// accountId - Account Id
// redirectUri - Url you will be redirected to after revoke process is done

const { location } = await sdk.getRevokeAccountPermissionUrl({

Account IDs can be used from the list of all user accounts that can be fetched using readAccounts.

Click here to check response that will be returned from getRevokeAccountPermissionUrl call.

Redirect the user to location returned in above response and they will have the possibility to adjust consent and withdraw it.

At the end of the process user will be redirected back to the redirectUri provided above. This url can contain following extra query parameters:

Parameter Description Returned Always
result Whether the call was successful. success or failed Yes
error_message If there was an error, an error code will be returned. No