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Limiting Scope

Sometimes you may only want to retrieve a subset of data. This is governed at two levels. At the top are any scope limitations dictated by your contract; these can only be changed by support so please contact support if you want to discuss this further.

At a code level, you can restrict the scope of a Private Sharing session by passing in a custom ReadOptions object when requesting data.

Defining ReadOptions

ReadOptions is comprised of two properties.

  • limits governs any limits to the data request that you’d like to impose. For example, you can limit the duration of the request should you prefer to retrieve a subset of all available data quickly, as opposed to waiting for all of the data to be resolved and returned.

  • scope defines the scope of the data you’d like to retrieve.


Scope has 2 properties, an array of TimeRange objects and an array of ServiceGroupScope objects.

Scoping by time range:

TimeRange is an enum with 4 states; after, between, before and last. These are self-explainatory and allow you to define time ranges that returned data must conform to.

Scoping by service group, service type or object type:

To restrict scope at an object level, your scope must be ‘fully described’; that is to say that a service group must comprise at least one service type, which must comprise at least one object type. Furthermore, a service group may only contain service types belonging to it and said service types may only contain object types belonging to them.

Service Groups, Service Types and Objects are all listed here in the developer documentation. Their relationships are also shown (what belongs to what).

Below is an example of a valid scope to retrive only Playlists and Followed Artists from Spotify:

let playlistObjectType = ServiceObjectType(identifier: 403) // 403 is the ID for a Playlist object.
let followedArtistObjectType = ServiceObjectType(identifier: 407) // 407 is the ID for a Followed Artist object.

let spotifyServiceType = ServiceType(identifier: 19, objectTypes: [playlistObjectType, followedArtistObjectType]) // 19 is the ID for Spotify.

let entertainmentServiceGroup = ServiceGroup(identifier: 5, serviceTypes: [spotifyServiceType]) // 5 is the ID for Entertainment.

let scope = Scope(serviceGroups: [entertainmentServiceGroup])
let readOptions = ReadOptions(scope: scope)

Providing ReadOptions

When calling readAllFiles on your DigiMe object, simply pass your ReadOptions object to this method:

digiMe.readAllFiles(readOptions: readOptions, ...)